SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 2019 1-3PM

Faith and Victory Church in Auburn

As the years go by, the creaks and trick knees tell a story. We are getting on. It’s time to do a little accounting. God has been good! Maybe there’s been down times, but certainly good times. Times of full baskets and bursting hearts.

With these maybe you have been thinking about your heritage; what legacy you’ll leave. We all love our kids and grandkids and want to help them. What about the lost children of your community?

Child Evangelism Fellowship of King County reaches about 2000 children every year with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But there are 100,000 other children in our county we fear have never heard of His saving grace. We have recently expanded our staff to address this need, but our scant financial resources are dwindling fast.

As King David approached his sunset years he made sure his assets were going make a lasting imprint by providing for the Temple. We can also leave a lasting imprint on these souls who so desperately need to know of the love of God.

The CEF of King County Committee will be hosting a free lunch at Faith and Victory Church in Auburn. The Special Guest will be a representative of the Rehberg Law Group to answer any questions you might have. The address is 1302 A St. S.E. The date and time: March 23, 2019; 1 P.M. to 3 P.M.

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